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The map so far

Below is a guide to places covered so far and the lines we have created. This will be update weekly. NOTE: first maps are intended/possible routes, 1 progressive map + regional maps (eg France) Images displayed with no text, just pure experience

Possible routes (the updated 'live' map will be on the Facebook group.
Countries in the northern route:

France Belgique Dannemark Norvege Suède Finlande Esthonie  Littonie Bielorussie Ukraine Russie Kazaskhstan Mongolie Chine  Corée du Nord Corée du Sud Japon Hainan(Chine) Vietnam Laos  Cambodge Malaisie Java Bali Indonésie Australie 


France Belgium Dannemark Norvege Sweden Finland Estonia  Lithonia Belarus Ukraine Russia Kazaskhstan Mongolia China  North Korea South Korea Japan Hainan (China) Vietnam Laos  Cambodia Malaysia Java Bali Indonesia Australia

Countries in the central route:

France Italie Autriche Slovénie Croatie Bosnie Erzegovine Serbie  Bulgarie Turquie Syrie IraK Iran Afghanistan Pakistan Inde Népal  Boutan Birmanie Chine Laos Cambodge Malaisie Java Australie 

France Italy Austria Slovenia Croatia Bosnia Erzegovina Serbia  Bulgaria Turkey Syria Irak Iran Afghanistan Pakistan India Nepal  Boutan Burma China Laos Cambodia Malaysia Java Australia

Countries in southern route:

France Espagne Portugal Maroc Tunisie Algerie Lybie Egypte Arabie  Saoudite Oman Inde Shri Lanka Sumatra Java Bali Australie 

Spain Portugal Morocco Tunisia Algeria Lybia Egypt Saudi Arabia  Oman India Shri Lanka Sumatra Java Bali Australia

northern route pour site.jpg
central route.jpg
southern route pour site.jpg
distance done by Greg and Reyna.jpg
step 1.jpg
first leg australia.jpg
from this point.jpg
Last step.jpg
trajet reyna detail.jpg
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